The Life Brain Project
Our research utilizes brain MRI scans to investigate factors of natural aging, aiming to discern key processes of degeneration from those of healthy aging. Our primary goal is to increase the precision in early diagnosis of mental and neurological conditions while shedding light into factors of brain health among adults.

- Men & women
- Age 18 and over
- No current diagnosis of neurological disorders
- There is NO cost to participate.
- Participants may be compensated up to $100 for their time.
- Complete a study visit composed of:
- Cognitive test session
- Brain MRI session
- Total participation ~4 h
- Parking & lunch voucher provided
*The study activities can be all done in 1 visit, or split into 2 visits at your convenience. We work our best to accommodate to your schedule.

Please call
The BIRC is working in a partnership with the Psychiatric Research Institute to study how reduced brain function can increase risk for psychiatric disorders in adulthood.
For more information (501) 420-2653
- Dr. Tatiana Wolfe is the Principal Investigator in the UAMS LIFE BRAIN Study. Dr. Tatiana Wolfe is an Assistant Professor Medical Imaging Physicist in the UAMS Brain Imaging Research Center who uses MRI brain mapping to study how myelin related cognitive impairment affects mental health in late life.
- Dr. Laura Dunn is the Director of the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Dunn is an experienced board-certified geriatric psychiatrist who studies late-life mental health.
- Dr. Lee Isaac is an Assistant Professor Clinical Neuropsychologist in the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute who offers treatment to adults patients and conducts clinical research to understand brain disorders in late life.
- Dr. Andrew James is an Associate Professor neuroscientist in the Brain Imaging Research Center who uses neuroimaging to study how the brain functions encode behavior.
- Natalie Morris is an experienced research specialist in the UAMS Brain Imaging Research Center with over a decade of clinical research experience in psychiatry. Natalie Morris coordinate the LIFE Brain study. E-mail:
- Deborah Hodges is a research specialist in the UAMS Brain Imaging Research Center with extensive experience in psychiatric clinical research. Deborah Hodges is part of the executive team of the LIFE Brain project.