A patient was recently referred to AR-Connect after being treated at UAMS during her pregnancy. Thirty weeks in, she was taken to the emergency room at UAMS due to complications with her pregnancy and underwent an emergency Cesarean procedure. Unfortunately, the child died during the procedure. The mother nearly died as well and suffered severe blood loss in the process.
Following the death of her child, the mother began to display symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After contacting the AR-Connect hotline, she was referred to one of our therapists, Christina Mantione, LCSW. Christina shared information about PTSD with the patient and worked with her to create some strategies to reduce the severity of her trauma symptoms.
Over the course of several sessions with Christina, the patient was able to find a way to process the grief surrounding her child’s death. She shared with Christina that she found the sessions in which they utilized art or music to be especially helpful in providing a means to express and process her grief. The patient told Christina that found the AR-Connect program very helpful and that she was thankful for our services. Thanks to AR-Connect’s link to the Psychiatric Research Institute, the patient was referred to the Psychiatric Research Institute’s Women’s Mental Health Program for outpatient therapy to receive continued care for trauma and grief.