By Sacha A. McBain, Ph.D. As of September 15th, there are currently 70,125 confirmed cases and 1,003 deaths from COVID-19 in Arkansas. Projections by the UAMS College of Public Health show Arkansas having nearly 121,062 cumulative cases and 2,088 deaths by October 31. For many of us, the experience of COVID-19 may be best described […]
Hope During COVID-19
What To Do, Where To Turn During Crisis By G. Richard Smith, M.D. The news about the COVID-19 pandemic, to no one’s surprise, is not very hopeful. The effects of the coronavirus are going to be felt here in Arkansas and the rest of the country much longer than anyone expected. The best expectations are […]
A Message from the Director
Dear Friends of the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute, Since I wrote to you last in this forum, COVID-19 has consumed much of our lives; thus, this issue of Mind Matters will be primarily about the pandemic and its effects on mental health and substance abuse as well as some suggestions on how to cope with […]
New Multidisciplinary Clinic Addresses Rare Disorders
Since the last legislative session in early 2019, the Psychiatric Research Institute has helped lead the development of an exciting new specialty clinic for children and adolescents that has started at Arkansas Children’s Hospital (ACH) in conjunction with the UAMS Department of Pediatrics. The clinic is a multi-disciplinary clinic for children and adolescents suffering or […]
Trauma Center Launched
Program’s Implementation Largest In PRI History Our Center for Trauma Prevention, Recovery, and Innovation (CTPRI) was successfully launched in November and December 2019 after a year of preparation and training across all outpatient areas of the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute, including our programs for children and adolescents. This launch was the single largest program implementation in […]