Do you or someone you know have any of these problems?
- Seeing or hearing things that others don’t
- A feeling of being touched when no one is around
- A feeling of being watched, followed, or being more suspicious of others
- Believing people know personal information (like your thoughts) they shouldn’t be able to know
- Speaking in a way that others can’t understand
- Persistent or unusual thoughts or beliefs
- Trouble thinking clearly or concentrating
- Changes in mood such as strong and inappropriate emotions or little to no emotions at all
- Declines in self-care or hygiene
- Increased social withdrawal from family and friends
- Sudden declines in school or work performance
Three in 100 people will experience psychosis, the word we use to describe the above experiences, throughout their lives. Each year, 100,000 adolescents and young adults in the United States will have a first episode of psychosis. We know that early intervention can be a critical step in helping to build resilience, recovery, and improve the quality of life for those who experience this. There is hope that this can get better!
Who We Are and How We Can Help
The Odyssey Clinic at the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute works with people 16 years old or older who have had any of these problems for less than two years. We want to help people feel better and help them move forward with their goals and dreams.
The Odyssey Clinic offers several specialized care services including:
- Specific individual counseling focused on building resiliency and recovery
- Support in finding a job, going to school, and building success in those endeavors
- Educating patients and families about these problems and how to help their loved ones and themselves
- Connections to other doctors or drug abuse treatment if needed
- Careful use of medicines to help alleviate symptoms
Who Should Contact the Odyssey Clinic?
- Call if you want help for yourself
- You can call to refer someone if you’re a mental health professional
- Concerned family members and loved ones can call for more information about the clinic
Do You Have to Have Insurance?
The Odyssey Clinic accepts people with or without insurance. If you don’t have insurance, we may be able to help you get it.
Call the Odyssey Clinic today at (501) 526-7464 to see how we can help you or your loved one.
The Odyssey Clinic in Northwest Arkansas is located in the UAMS Health Clinic in Fayeteville, 3425 N. Futrall Drive, Suite 103. Call (501) 526-7464 or send a fax to (479) 332-0701 for more information.